Rasche's Kartenspiele 3.2
our Skat products
(for Macintosh 10.6-10.12 (IntelMac) and XP/Vista/Win7/Win8/Win8.1/Win10)
FUN THROUGH PLAYING SKILL! For more than 30 years, card game specialist, Uwe Rasche, has developed computer simulations. Since the beginning, his particular strength has been the development of scalable playing abilities for the simulated players. Through a sophisticated playing logic, numerous help functions, and comprehensive statistical analysis, Rasche's games offer the right opponents for players of all abilities, beginner through professional. The comprehensive feature set creates an experience like playing with good friends on a Saturday night.
Up to 2 players are simulated who choose between suit, Grand, or Null games. Double/Re, Pub Skat, and Bock Rounds are also possible. Championship and league play add to the fun.
This product is based on our new family of products, Rasche's Kartenspiele 3. There is only one program for all of our products. Entering your personal serial number tells the program which products are registered to you. No additional installations are required in order to add extra programs.
Rasche's "Skat Teacher" is provided as part of the program. He will explain all of the parts of each game step-by-step. Beginners will get into the game quickly with our annotated examples. Your "teacher" takes care of the mechanics of the game, such as dealing, to let you focus on the important aspects of play.
We provide top service with this product. Each CDROM order from us will be produced individually. You can always count on delivery of the latest version of our games.
Our products offer a multitude of options that can be set individually according to your preferences. For example:
- After each trick, the cards can be put away automatically or by a right-click of the mouse.
- Depending on your product, up to 58 backgrounds are available for you to enjoy (2D and 3D rooms, with or without figures)
- The speech of the computer players can be turned on or off and the kinds of comments that they make can be limited.
For those who are new to our software, please note the following:
There are two general options:
- playing with or without the "story". Many choose to play without the story and to sit directly at the table facing your opponents. Playing, "with the story" adds an extra dimension, however. In this version, you play for money and your very survival depends on your ability to play effectively against competitors of different skill levels. We don't want to give away too much, but suffice it to say that entry to various rooms is not free and you don't want to forget to stop for a bite to eat now and then. It's worth taking a look at the electronic handbook for all of the details.

Finally, you will want to check out the league and championship playing modes. This is for a player with real stamina to play an entire tournament seeking to come out on top of the score list.
Also not to be missed is a trial membership in our software club. This provides even stronger computer opponents and also a sneak peak into the development of our next-generation software. This offer is free, but strictly voluntary. If you choose to accept the free membership, it will continue after the trial period only if you choose to renew it.
Available features:
- Play according to the rules of the German Skat Association (DSkV) or the International Skat Players Association (ISPA).
- with Rasche's Skat Teacher and Rasche's Doppelkopf Teacher
- German / english version
- Now with screen resolution higher than 1280px and with zoom function.
- 6 individual voices for the simulated players (3 male; 3 female)
- 22 assorted card faces and 22 new high resolutions room environments (2D and 3D) and of course there are 36 old room motives from the last generation of our software.
- Manual deal; Card Analysis (Mac version only); Individual game statistics.
- Championship and League play
- 36 improved playing levels for the simulated players (Home, Normal, Expert, and Professional modes)
- Assorted playing options for Ramsch, Double/Re, Pub Skat, and Bock Rounds
- 1-year free club membership (http://raschesclub.de)
- Optional play with Story
- Bock rounds, Championship and League play, "Rest mine" function, and much more.
- all ASS card faces arn`t in the product, but can buy it ("ASS card set") or transfer from an other product, which include the ASS card faces.
- Downloadversion: Licence for 2 computer
System: Macintosh (OSX 10.5-10.9-IntelMac) and XP/Vista/Win7/Win8/Win8.1.
Skat 8
For all user, which want to save money:
- You haven`t 16 best playing levels from premium
- You have only 11 new high resolutions room environments
- Downloadversion: Licence for 1 computer
Our beginner version for a small price. Your limitation to our better products:
- You can play only direct at the table and not with our story.
- The ASS- card set are inclunde.
- You have only 9 new high resolutions rooms
- 12 playing levels for beginners
- No manual deal and no Card Analysis (Mac version only);
- Downloadversion: Lizenz for 1 computer
You can later update to a better playing products.
For all registered customers of previous versions, there is attractive update pricing. Check out our Demo version (Mac oder Win)!